Holla @ Me.

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Welcome to my bento bio 👋

Working with me.

Stuff I do.

  • Build websites
  • Create web design mockups
  • Audit technical systems & create project plans for optimization
  • CMS architecture strategy
  • Project management consulting - workflow optimization and streamline processes
  • Quality assurance & testing
  • Create documentation & technical training
  • Define development requirements & manage engineering teams
  • Troubleshoot & bug fixes

Stuff I don't do.

  • Website content entry
  • Manage project timelines/budgets/resources
  • Data analytics
  • Social media management
  • Branding/logo creation
  • Marketing strategy (usually)

Skillz that killz.

(Certified) Webflow Expert.

(Unofficial) Asana Expert.

(Amateur) Full-stack Developer.


  • Myer's Briggs: INTP
  • Sun Sign: Aquarius
  • Music: Funk, Bluegrass, Electronic Trap (if I had to pick)
  • Pizza topping: Pepperoni & jalepeno

What I'm currently researching...

Having found healing on my own journey through a combination of psychedelics, yoga, and meditation, I have been inspired to support others on their path of self-discovery through projects in psychedelic harm reduction and education. I'm particularly interested by the potential of emerging technologies to revolutionize personalized medicine and improve outcomes in the mental health space. If your company is operating at this intersection, I'd love to talk about how I could support your mission. Let's connect! 

My values.


Always be true to yourself and never compromise integrity.


Seek transparency and speak the truth, even when it's uncomfortable.


Never rule out the opposite of what everyone else is doing as a strategy.


Be relentless about learning— there is always more to know and to improve.

My hobbies & interests.

  • Fitness. I love spin and cycling, hot yoga, and I recently started weight lifting (mostly because I also love pizza). My favorite fitness activity? Boxing!
  • Reading. I'm reading a few non-fiction books at any given time about whatever topic I'm interested in at the moment. Fiction short stories when I'm feelin' crazy.
  • Camping. If my living situation permitted it, I would be outside 24/7. My dream is to get an RV to travel the US for extended periods in between work.
  • Rocks. I'm a rockhound... once I get started, I can't be stopped. I have boxes of rocks in my closet. I tumble rocks better than your 5 year old cousin.
  • Science, technology, & history. I'm endlessly fascinated by the nature of reality and spend a lot of my free time reading and learning about the interconnectedness of all things.
  • Writing. Writing has been an outlet for me since I was a little girl with one of these. I write in some form every single day. I also write with a fountain pen, so you know I mean business.
  • Art & music. I got a ukulele in Hawaii a few years ago, and I like to play it badly and sing slightly above averagely. I also go through periods of mediocre art-making, most recently experimenting with zentangle.